Natriy gidrosinfite 88%
50 kg baraban, 22,5ta / 20'fcl Palletsiz
1FCL, manzil: Turkiya
Jo'natishga tayyor ~

1. Industrial grade sodium hydrosulfite is widely used in the textile industry as a reducing agent for dye dyeing, a reducing bleaching agent, a vat dye printing auxiliary, a refining and bleaching agent for silk, a stripping agent for dyed goods and a cleaning agent for dye vats. kuting. Gapiruvchilik sanoatida u mexanik pulpa, termomexanik pulpa va umidsiz pulpa uchun oqaron vositadir. Bu yog'och pulpani tayyorlash uchun eng mos keladigan agent. As a reducing bleaching agent, insurance powder is widely used in the bleaching of kaolin, the bleaching and reduction whitening of fur, the bleaching of bamboo products and straw products, etc. Used in mineral processing, synthesis of thiourea and its sulfide, etc. Used as reducing agent in the chemical industry.
2. Oziq-ovqat qo'shimcha natriy gidrosinfiti oziq-ovqat sanoatida oqarish agenti, konservant va antioksidant sifatida ishlatiladi. It is widely used in candied fruits, dried fruits, dried vegetables, vermicelli, glucose, table sugar, rock sugar, maltose, candy, liquid glucose, Bleaching agent and food preservative for bamboo shoots, mushrooms and canned mushrooms. Foydalanish va maksimal foydalanish doirasi "Oziq-ovqat qo'shimchalari uchun oziq-ovqat qo'shimchalari uchun milliy oziq-ovqat qo'shimchalaridan foydalanish" ga binoan.
O'tish vaqti: Mar-11-2024