Forika kislotasi 85%
35 kg baraban, 25.2th / 20'fcl-dan palletlarsiz
2`fc, manzil: Misr

3. In the chemical industry, it is used to manufacture calcium formate, sodium formate, ammonium formate, barium formate, potassium formate, ethyl formate, dimethylformamide, formamide, pentaerythritol, neopentyl glycol, epoxy soybean oil, epoxy soybean oil octyl ester, pivaloyl chloride, paint stripper, phenolic resin, pickling steel plastinka va hk .;
6. Kauchuk sanoatida u organik sintetik tabiiy kauchuk kauchuk, rezina antioksidant va hk .;
10. Koin ishlab chiqaring
12. Kimyoviy tozalash vositasi sifatida. Formic acid and its aqueous solution can dissolve many metals, metal oxides, hydroxides and salts, and the resulting formate can be dissolved in water, so it can be used as a chemical cleaning agent. Formic acid does not contain chloride ions and can be used to clean equipment containing stainless steel materials;
13. Po'lat sanoatida po'lat buyumlar va po'lat plitalar va po'lat barlar singari qo'llaniladi;
Post vaqti: Avgust-29-2024